Saturday, June 28, 2014

My Adventures in Weight Loss @ Weight Watchers Week 5

I found this on my friend P.J.'s Facebook page.  It is really inspiring, but I don't see any changes yet.  Despite having reached the 10 lb mark at this weeks weigh in, my clothes still feel the same and I still think I look the same in the mirror.  My mom swears I look thinner though!  I'm going to keep going maybe by week 8 I will see the change too?  Last week I couldn't stay awake for anything, but this week my body seemed to level out and I wasn't as tired all the time.

A few weeks ago the main topic was making sure we eat breakfast.  It helps get the body's metabolism started in the morning and it helps to keep you full for the rest of the day. Well my issue with breakfast is I don't really like it at all.  I'm not normally hungry & cereal just isn't interesting enough to get me to eat it.  Plus pancakes for some reason make me sleepy.  So I decided to start making myself breakfast burritos/wraps.  The initial venture came to 7 pts. and had a flour tortilla, a slice of cheese, an egg, and some veggies.  I've been working on it and I've now pared it down to 4 pts. Instead of the flour tortilla I use a low fat/low carb wheat option.  I've also added a dash of white pepper and some red onions.  I also got some veggie sausages for the days I make the kids regular ones so I don't feel deprived.

My breakfast wrap before wrapping!

 It's filling and it tastes really good, so I actually am interested in breakfast.  After having something to eat every morning for over two weeks I have started to be hungry in the morning. I'm not starving, but I definitely don't have to force myself to enter the kitchen.

I started participating more at the meetings.  I still can't remember the coordinators name though. I really need to write it down.  I keep saying it to myself during the meeting and then by the time I get home it's completely disappeared from my brain! Plus I lost 2.8 lbs this week! YAY!  That means I get my second 5 lb star!  Also I am finally below 200 lbs.! I wanted to cry this week too simply because I was soooo happy!



So do you see a difference?

Weight:  198.2 lbs


  1. OMG that looks so good! And progress is progress is progress! Don't sell yourself short. If the pounds are coming off on the scale then you will eventually see it! Good luck!

    1. Thanks. That was last year, I still think that I look the same. lol. But my pant size is smaller so something had to have changed!
